- Maintenance of electricity supply systems, instrumentation installation, control valves, and IED supervision and control
- Refurbishment work - oil and gas sector Refinery Sludge Treatment Station
- REVAMP work on the Pier at the Angra dos Reis Waterway Terminal - Rio de Janeiro
- Construction of branches and internal installation to supply piped gas (Sao Paulo)
- Construction of the central ventilation and air conditioning system in the building destined to the Local Supervision House
- Engineering services for construction and industrial assembly, with supply of materials - Oil and gas refinery plant
- Project elaboration and relocation services for the 88 kV Jabaquara - Vila Mathias TL
- Engineering services applied to the operation and maintenance of the existing ventilation system of the Caraguatatuba Taubaté - GASTAU gas pipeline, including the supply of material
- Project development, construction of the 88 kV Indaiatuba 3 branch and reconstruction of the 88 kV Salto - Indaiatuba TL
- Construction of grid and branches, interconnection in houses and piped gas sales intermediation - Integrated Project
- Civil works and electromechanical assembly for the reconstruction of the 440 kV Ilha Solteira - Bauru TL
- Civil works and electromechanical assembly services for the aerial interconnection between the 345 kV and the 88/138 kV sectors of the Bandeirantes Substation
- Engineering services related to the elaboration of an executive project, civil construction, electromechanical assembly, commissioning and tests, support to the pre-operation and assisted operation, to the adequacy of the air conditioning system of oil and gas refineries industrial plants
- Civil works and electromechanical assembly services for the rehabilitation of the 138 kV Euclides da Cunha - São João da Boa Vista II TL, as well as the adequacy of the Euclides da Cunha and São João da Boa Vista II Substations
- Civil works and electromechanical assembly services for the construction and assembly of the138 kV Taubaté - Paraibuna TL and installation of all cables and connections from the 138 kV bays to the 138 kV Taubaté - Paraibuna TL C1 / C2 at the Taubaté Substation
- Civil works and electromechanical assembly services, for the reconstruction of the 138 kV Taubaté - Paraibuna TL
- Design, civil construction and assembly of the 138 kV transmission line, derivation of AMPLAS's (utility) 138 kV TL to supply the substation of Rio de Janeiro Petrochemical Complex
- Project execution and assembly, installation, testing and commissioning services of the substation's outdoor equipment and protection and control panels, of the new 138kV Substation, insulated by SF6 gas (GIS) (SUB-210) and the new SUB ‐ 200 (13.8kV), at REDUC
- Electrical Installation and Instrumentation Project for metering flow, pressure, density and temperature of REDUC and Ilha D’água's supply ducts and interconnection, related to Petrobras's PEGASO project
- Relocation of existing conduits and boxes of the Dolphin Norte of the Secondary Pier and the provisional signaling of the Dolphins' piles - Ilha D’Água (DTSE - GEGUA)
- Execution of civil works and electromechanical assembly of the two 138 kV transmission lines - TERMORIO TPP - REDUC and the Interconnections with the TERMORIO's and REDUC's substations, including manufacture and supply of materials and equipment
- Design and installation, at REDUC 2200 substation, of the 138 kV TL energy multimeters - TERMORIO - REDUC for transmission billing data transmitted to TERMORIO by OPGW and for consumption data sent to REDUC's Distributed Monitoring and Control System (SCMD)
- Project, material supply and installation of the Supervisory System for Transpetro's Volta Redonda Natural Gas Station (ESVOL)
- Implementation of the Supervision and Control System for Gurupi substation (State of Tocantins), which is part of the interconnection line of the North and South electrical system, with equipment (PLCs, digital protections, oscillography, and control systems), manufacturer SAINCO - ABENGOA group (Sevilla - Spain)
- Development of software for communication monitoring (Rio de Janeiro International Airport Flight Information System)
- Development of the software and hardware for the Portable Maintenance Station for Electric Remote Terminal Units at the International Airport of Rio de Janeiro
- Development and installation of software in the Staff Access Control System at the International Airport of Rio de Janeiro. (PLCs - CASI ‐ RUSCO / Control Center - IBM)
- Elaboration of Technical Specification for ONS (Brazilian Electric Power System Operator) with the purpose of selecting equipment and manufacturers of Supervision and Control Systems that meet the standards and criteria required by the Brazilian Electric Sector
- Assembly of panels for motor pump and turbo pump for Cooling Water Tower Unit at Manaus Refinery Unit - REMAN
- Supply of equipment, materials and services necessary for the development of the Adutora Guandu Automation project - REDUC
- Project execution, assembly, testing of the Bently Nevada Vibration System of four sets of turbo pumps, with skid and instrumentation assembly, for RioPolímeros
- Project execution, assembly, tests and supply of local control panel for CEDAE booster pump - RJ
- Construction and assembly of the 345 kV Transmission Line, 52 km long loop, which connects Venda das Pedras Substation to the 345 kV Adrianópolis-Macaé TL, including assembly and supply of construction materials and equipment
- Rehabilitation of the 138 kV Araras - Porto Ferreira TL
- Rehabilitation of the 138 kV Rio Claro - Araras TL
- Rehabilitation of the 138 kV Embu ‐ Guaçu - Parelheiros TL
- Construction and Assembly of the Atibaia - Tap at the 345 kV Poços Mogi TL (FURNAS)
- Construction, assembly and launch of the 57 km 138 KV TL between two thermoelectric plants in Linhares - ES
- Construction of the Substation 017 of UN REDUC and construction of the road scale of UN 1450 REDUC (PETROBRAS)
- Automation project and implementation of the Supervision and Control System of BR-Distribuidora - Petrobrás in the QAV supply area of the GARIO base (Galeão-Rio), composed of: 02 (two) redundant Allen Bradley (ROCKWELL) PLCs (1,000 points I / O)
- Construction and Industrial Assembly and Commissioning of improvement projects in REDUC's Operational Units involving the electrical, piping, mechanics and instrumentation areas
- Execution of project services, supply of materials and assembly of the Ventilation and Air Conditioning System for SUB 323 at REDUC
- Project details, material supply and installation of residual protection devices - DR at REDUC
- Construction and Assembly in Fieldbus system of the necessary structure for the installation and interconnection of the control loops and indication of the U-1322, U-1530, U-1630 and U-1730 process units to the SSC - Supervision and Control System, and commissioning
- Construction and assembly of instrumentation and firefighting and hydrocarbon detection systems for the installation of LPG regasifiers at U-2300 under UN-REDUC
- Consolidation of the hydraulic protection project for the Guandu pipeline, with complementation of the services necessary for the conclusion of the fifth pump and hydraulic protection project
- Construction and assembly services, supply of materials and equipment, civil construction, electromechanical assembly, conditioning, testing, starting, support for assisted operation and revision (as built) of the UN- REDUC condensed treatment plant (ETC) project documents
- Construction of the transmission line section between the ARARAS Substation (ongoing) and the sectioning point of the 138 kV RIO CLARO I - PORTO FERREIRA TL and reconstruction of the transmission line section between the sectioning point of the 138 kV RIO CLARO I PORTO FERREIRA TL and ARARAS I Substation
- Construction of the transmission line section between ARARAS Substation (ongoing) and the sectioning point of the 138 kV RIO CLARO I - PORTO FERREIRA TL and reconstruction of the transmission line section between the transmission line sectioning point of the 138 kV RIO CLARO I - PORTO FERREIRA TL and RIO CLARO I Substation
- Rehabilitation of the 138 kV Embu-Guaçu - Peruíbe TL
- Layout alteration of the 230kV Henry Borden - Piratininga, Interlagos - Piratininga and the 345kV Interlagos - Xavantes TLs due to the construction of Piratininga II Substation (IEPINHEIROS / CTEEP)